Friday, June 27, 2014

Lithuanian citizenship

Because my father was a Lithuanian citizen after Soviet occupation, I am eligible to apply for Lithuanian EU passports, as are my children. However, he never had a Lithuanian passport and his birth record does not suffice. I am researching options.
My father would be turning in his grave to see any dilution of his family's beloved US citizenship.  The bitter memories of Lithuania overpowered any sweet memories. My father never wanted to return to Lithuania let alone regain citizenship.
But that EU status that comes with Lithuanian citizenship is tempting.
During the tour, present day Jews in Lithuania insisted that life was good. The quality of life in Vilnius is attractive, with many wonderful restaurants and beautiful architecture and parks.
Only Lithuanian citizens can own property, so there is also a potential economic opportunity for my children. Lithuania is a shopping destination for Scandinavians because of its low prices.
 One thing is certain, life in Lithuania is often not what it seems on the surface, it is complicated. There are a multitude of attitudes toward Jews. Here are two positive and one more frightening view, from


Jews are cool in lithuania


Lithuania and Nazis. The country wants to forget its collaborationist past.

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